Hello there – Welcome to my new Blog

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4 Responses to Hello there – Welcome to my new Blog

  1. Sr. Rosemarie Greco says:

    Best wishes as you minister in Hartford and western CT.

  2. Carol Storey says:

    Very much looking forward to this blog and journeying with you.

  3. Dennis House says:

    Congrats and welcome to the world of blogging. Look forward to following this Archbishop.

  4. Jean Alexander says:

    Dear Archbishop Coyne,
    I pray for a multitude of Our Lord’s Blessings for you and for our Diocese as you begin the holy position of being our new Archbishop ! “Change” can be a conflicting situation; May our Lord endow you with the wisdom and holiness to guide our flock in His Peace and Love.
    I am a parishioner at St. John XXIII in West Haven CT

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